FAQ Inbound Marketing

FAQ: Inbound Marketing

  1. Can I prospect for inbound leads in Experiture?
  2. How do I create inbound forms in Experiture?
  3. Am I able to add a form to my website or landing page?
  4. Can I upload a list for my lead prospecting/acquisition campaigns?
  5. Can I create landing pages in Experiture, and where do I do it?
  6. How do I connect my domain to landing pages I create (e.g. how do I setup my domain as a sub-domain)?
  7. How do I automatically trigger messages to prospects?
  8. How do I know if a prospect lead isn’t already in my member database?
  9. What happens when a lead converts to a member?
  10. Can I setup automated lead nurturing and drip campaigns?
  11. Can my automated campaigns include multiple channels?

Can I prospect for inbound leads in Experiture?

Absolutely. You’ll notice the Inbound Marketing section within the main menu of your Experiture instance. In this area you’ll find all the tools you need for inbound marketing and lead generation. The Inbound Marketing section includes:

Landing Pages – Create, design and launch landing pages for your inbound marketing campaigns.

Form Builder – Create and style inbound web forms to embed on your web properties and capture leads. All Leads – The repository of leads you have captured through your inbound web forms, landing pages, etc.

Lead Analytics – Reporting for all leads you have captured through your inbound web forms, landing pages, etc.

Web Visitor Tracking – Add a pixel to your website to track visitors and identify current customers vs. new leads.

For additional information on creating forms, prospecting segments, landing pages and more, visit our How-To Guides section.

How do I create inbound forms in Experiture?

To create an inbound form, simply go to the Main Menu, select Inbound Marketing, and finally, click on the Form Builder.

In the Form Builder, you can create new forms by simply clicking Add Form. From there you can use the intuitive interface and click to add fields, update the titles/text of those fields, choose which fields are required and save your from.

To style your form, you, or a web designer on your team, can use the HTML editor to style the form to fit your brand or campaign look and feel.

Once your form is created, you have a host of options including:

Edit/Delete – Edit your form fields, layout, etc. or delete your form.

Form Mapping – Map a form to form fields to your mailing list fields.

Embed Code – Code you will use to embed your form on any web property.

Add to Program – Add captured leads captured by your form into an existing program/campaign.

Alert – Setup an alert that will notify you based on form activity.

Redirect – Redirect users who fill out your form to an alternate web address.

Reports – Analytics based on form activity.

Launch – Make your form live when ready.

You can create as many forms as necessary for your marketing campaigns, and forms will also track the URL they are embedded on (when you are embedding the same form on multiple web pages).

Am I able to add a form to my website or landing page?

Yes, and it is simple and easy. After you have created a form, you will see the , or embed icon on the newly created form in the Form Builder.

Clicking the < / > embed icon will open a window where you can copy the form embed code. This code will be implemented on your website to display your Experiture form.

As users complete this form, their submissions will appear under the All Leads section within Inbound Marketing.

Can I upload a list for my lead prospecting/acquisition campaigns?

Yes, you can. Your prospecting leads can come from different sources including uploaded lists.

To upload a list, you will go into Targets and then Data Sources & Lists. From there you’ll select Add a List and upload your list following the prompts provided. From there you can add your list to your prospecting segment/view in one of two ways:
  • Upload your new list to an existing list that is being used as the source of your prospect segment/view.
  • Upload your list as a new list, then edit your existing prospect segment/view, add a new source and select your newly uploaded list as the new source.
Once you have appended your list to the appropriate prospect segment/view, the new targets will flow into the program and the program will send to them according to the preferences and schedule you have set.

Can I create landing pages in Experiture, and where do I do it?

Landing pages are one of the cornerstones of online lead generation, and your Experiture instance comes fully equipped with all the tools you need to create and manage your landing pages.

There are two ways to create a landing page in Experiture.

Option 1: From Inbound Marketing
To create a landing page, simply go to Inbound Marketing and then to Landing Pages. Once there, select Add a Lead Page, give your page a name and choose which editor (pre-existing template, WYSIWYG, advanced designer) you would like to use to build it.

Option 2: From the Program Designer
You can add a landing page to any existing program simply by dragging it in from the Destinations panel on the left side of the screen. Once you drag it in, give your page a name and select OK. Next, select the Edit (pencil) icon and choose which editor (pre-existing template, WYSIWYG, advanced designer) you would like to use to build it.

Keep in mind that you have both the option for GURLs (General Landing Pages) or PURLs (Personalized Landing Pages) in Experiture. GURLs are typically used for prospecting/acquisition (when you may only know the email address or are using it as a destination from other media, e.g. Facebook ads), whereas PURLs are often used when you know your target by name and want to provide a more personalized experience.

How do I connect my domain to landing pages I create (e.g. how do I setup my domain as a sub-domain)?

Setting up your domain to use with your landing pages is simple and easy.

If you are experienced at managing the DNS settings for your domain, then you’ll just need to update those to and

If you need additional instructions, see DNS Configuration and Custom Name Server Pointing technical doc where you’ll find the step-by-step instructions for setting up your domain.

How do I automatically trigger messages to prospects?

To setup ANY automated campaign, you’ll need to use a Dynamic Segment.

Segments come in two forms, Static or Dynamic. Static segments are designed for one-time sending of campaigns to specified list of targets based on pre-defined criteria. An example would be a monthly newsletter sent out once per month to anyone with a valid email address who has signed up for your mailing list.

A Dynamic segment is different in that it runs on a constant, repeating basis looking through your database for any prospects or members that meet the criteria. An example of this would be a birthday email that goes out to everyone in the database on their respective birthdays. This requires the segment poll the database daily pulling in any targets whose birthday matches “today”.

Dynamic segments are created in the same manner by going to Targets and then Segments, but instead of leaving the default Static set, change it to Dynamic under the Segment Properties. From there you can define your criteria, keeping the nature of dynamic segments in mind.

*Important Note: Dynamic segments will continue to run after your initial wave of messages has gone out. If you don’t want this to occur indefinitely, you can either pause your campaign, or set an end date so it will stop sending automatically.

How do I know if a prospect lead isn’t already in my member database?

Using an advanced segment, you can use an alternate key field to dedupe your prospect list against your member database.

Most member databases use a member ID (or other custom field) as the key field. This assures that each member is individualized as other fields such as mailing address can be shared by multiple members. In the advanced segment, this field can be changed to Email address, or another key field used as secondary identifier.

Using the advanced segment with Email address as the alternate key field, you can dedupe your prospects against your main database. If the email address exists in your main database, they are then considered an existing member and automatically removed from the prospect segment. If the email address does not exist in the member database, they are considered a prospect, kept in the prospect segment and available for any campaigns that segment is attached to.

What happens when a lead converts to a member?

Similar to the process of deduping prospect leads by email address against the member database, new members are automatically deduped against the prospect database.

When a prospect signs up to become a member, they flow back into your Experiture instance with a Member ID (or another unique identifier) and are now considered an official member. Now you have two records, one with member ID and one without. When you have an advanced prospecting segment setup, all new members will be automatically deduped against it using email address. If the new member’s email appears in the prospect segment, they will be automatically removed as they are now considered a member.

This automatic dedupe process using alternate key fields allows you to freely prospect without worry that you’re converted members will continue to receive prospect communications from your automated campaigns. As they convert, they will be seen as a member and automatically removed from your prospecting segment.

Can I setup automated lead nurturing and drip campaigns?

Yes, you can when using dynamic segments.

Dynamic segments run on a constant, repeating basis looking through your database for any prospects or members that meet the criteria. An example of this would be a birthday email that goes out to everyone in the database on their respective birthdays. This requires the segment poll the database daily pulling in any targets whose birthday matches “today”.

Whenever you want to setup automated campaigns, you will use Dynamic segments and attach these to your nurturing/drip campaigns. The dynamic segment will constantly poll your database to find any targets who match the criteria for your lead nurturing (dynamic) segment. When it finds matching targets, they will automatically be dropped into the attached campaign.

For more information, see How do I know if a prospect lead isn’t already in my member database?, and also What happens when a lead converts to a member?

Can my automated campaigns include multiple channels?

Yes, you can add as many channels and touches as you like in your automated campaigns (or any campaigns for that matter).

Statistics prove that all metrics show growth when marketing to prospects and members across multiple connected channels. Want to see 30% higher lifetime engagement from members? Over 9% increase in bottom line revenue and 23x better customer experience sound good to you? Using a true omni-channel approach in your campaigns can deliver this and more.

In your next campaign, try adding on a mobile Push component for all your mobile app users, or a social component to target your members on Facebook. Want to ensure your members see your communication? Nothing beats a well-timed SMS message with an email follow up.

And don’t forget about reminders! Instantly add reminders to all your offers by saving your email as a template, dragging in a second email component and choosing your saved template. A quick change to the subject line to let them know they will miss out if they don’t act and set it to trigger to anyone who did not open the original email. BAM! You just set up a reminder that can add percentages onto your campaign conversion in minutes.