FAQ Campaign Management

FAQ: Campaign Management

  1. What do I need to know when creating a new campaign?
  2. How do I categorize my campaigns?
  3. How do I delete or remove a campaign from my list?
  4. Can I copy a campaign?
  5. My campaign did not launch as expected, why not?
  6. How do I pause a campaign that has already started?
  7. Can I schedule a campaign to stop on a pre-determined date?
  8. How long does it take for a campaign to send out?
  9. Are there limits to how many targets I can send to from a single campaign?
  10. Where can I see which segments are attached to my campaigns?

What do I need to know when creating a new campaign?

When you create a new campaign there are options and settings available for you to select. These can impact how your campaign runs and performs so it is important you understand each area so you can set it to your preferences and requirements.

Campaign Name – The name you give your campaign. It can be updated at any time. The campaign name has no effect on your campaign besides acting as an identifier.

Campaign Start Date – The date your campaign is eligible to run. The start date defaults to the day your campaign is created and, in most cases, will not need to be changed. If you want to schedule a campaign to run in on a future date, you can either set this on individual components or adjust the global campaign start date. Note: The campaign start date displays in the upper right of the program designer screen when you are building a campaign.

Campaign End Date – The date your campaign will cease running. End dates are useful if you are adding targets to existing segments. This assures that any past campaigns those segments are attached to will not run when the new targets are added. Note: The campaign start date displays in the upper right of the program designer screen when you are building a campaign.

Campaign Description – Allows you to add a description or “notes” to your campaign. Used only as an identifier and has no effect on your campaign.

Campaign Category – Used to manage campaigns, you can select a category for your campaign when creating it. You can filter by category under Manage Campaigns.

Set Target Limit – Set a pre-determined limit to the number of targets your campaign will send to.

Link Domain – Choose a domain you have previously linked to your account. This is most often used when you are adding landing pages and/or PURLs (Personalized URLs) to your campaign.

Generate PURLs – This option allows you to add PURLs (Personalized URLs) to your campaign. You will also check this option if you are using direct mail and printing PURLs on your mailers as part of your campaign.

Once you have created a new campaign, you can edit your settings at any time by selecting the Edit icon located to the right of your campaign name.

How do I categorize my campaigns?

Campaign categories are set on the admin level of your account in your organizations profile. To access this, go to Dashboard, then under Manage Account select Organization Profile. Once there, go to the top navigation bar and select Program Categories. There you can create, edit or remove categories for your campaigns.

In that same navigation bar, you will also notice an Email Categories area. This allows you to create email-specific categories and select them when adding email components to your programs. Once these categories are created, you can also edit a component’s properties at any time and select the appropriate email category.

How do I delete or remove a campaign from my list?

To remove a campaign from your list under Campaigns, simply click the ‘X” to the right of your campaign. Note that your campaign will not be deleted, but rather archived. We don’t recommend deleting any campaigns within your instance as they can affect other areas such as reporting, your ability to copy that campaign and other areas.

Can I copy a campaign?

YES and Experiture makes it simple and easy. To copy an existing campaign, select the campaign you wish to copy from your Campaigns list. Next, select the Copy icon to the right of your campaign name in the program designer. Give your clone a new name, and then you can edit the updated campaign freely with no effect on the original campaign it was copied from.

My campaign did not launch as expected, why not?

There are a few reasons why a campaign you launched did not run. Here we describe the most common reasons and what to check if a campaign you launched is not running as expected.

Start date set in the future – The start date of your campaign has been set to a date beyond the launch date of your components. You can adjust the start date of our campaign by editing your campaign properties from the program designer screen. You’ll find the Edit icon located to the right of your campaign name.

End date set to today or in the past – The end date of your campaign has been set to today, or a date prior to the start date of your campaign. You can adjust the end date of our campaign by editing your campaign properties from the program designer screen. You’ll find the Edit icon located to the right of your campaign name.

Components not launched – For a campaign to run, all components you wish to run must be individually launched. Do this by selecting the More icon (vertical ellipse …) in the individual component menu and choosing Launch. You’ll see the pre-launch checklist. All items must show in green for that component to be able to be launched. Any components within a campaign not launched will not run within the campaign.

Components scheduled to launch in future – If any of the components you wish to run when you launch your campaign are set to dates or intervals in the future, they will not run.

Campaign is paused – If the global pause button is set on your campaign, no components will be able to run. Unpausing a campaign will instantly re-initiate any active components to run.

How do I pause a campaign that has already started?

You can pause a live (running) campaign at any time by selecting the large Pause/Start button. Note that this will pause your campaign, but if the components (email, SMS, etc.) have already been deployed to all your targets, you will not be able to pull back those messages. Pausing your campaign will only affect messages that have not been sent.

Can I schedule a campaign to stop on a pre-determined date?

You can set a pre-determined start date for any campaign when you are creating the campaign by entering a campaign end-date in the appropriate field. You can add a end-date at any time by editing your campaign properties from the program designer screen. You’ll find the Edit icon located to the right of your campaign name. Once there, simply add a stop date to your campaign to pause all components on that date.

How long does it take to send out a campaign?

Experiture’s enterprise grade email platform means your messages go out fast and efficiently, but this also depends on other factors such as the number of targets you are sending to and how many touches you have. Additionally, other factors as soft bounces and the number of reattempts, etc. can also affect the time it takes to fully deploy a campaign. That said, it is not uncommon for single-touch campaigns with 50,000 targets to finish sending in 20-30 minutes.

Note that Experiture automatically throttles (increases/reduces the send pipeline) your campaigns to continuously adjust to network conditions (and ensure the reputation of your IP) which can and will affect send times of your campaigns.

Are there limits to how many targets I can send to from a single campaign?

In Experiture there are no limits on the number of targets you can send to. However, your campaign will automatically be throttled or “controlled” to limit the number of messages sent in given intervals. Our delivery teams constantly monitor your campaigns to optimize the sending of messages pending current network conditions and activity from upstream providers such as Google, Yahoo! and others.

While there is no limit on the number of targets you can send messages to in your campaigns, Experiture will automatically throttle your message delivery to adjust to network conditions and ensure your IP reputation remains high regardless of how many email messages you send out.

Where can I see which views/segments are attached to my campaigns?

There are two places you can see the views and segments attached to a campaign:

From the program designer screen – Click on any campaign and then select Program Targets in the upper right of the screen. Here you will see all the views/segments that are attached to your campaign as well as all the targets loaded into that campaign.

From the segmentation screen – Select Targets and then Segments from the main menu. Here you will see all your existing segments. On the right-hand side, you will see an Add to Program button. Immediately above that you’ll find the Show All link. Clicking this will bring up a list of programs that view/segment is attached to, and allow you to remove it from any as well.

Best practice is to remove any segments you plan to reuse from existing campaigns and/or pause those campaigns so there is no risk of adding targets to an existing campaign via an existing segment.