Data & Target Management Platform Updates

Introducing Enhanced Data Upload and Integration Process

Discover the powerful enhancements in Experiture’s latest update to the data upload and integration process. This comprehensive upgrade introduces advanced upload capabilities, robust data handling, and seamless CRM integration, all designed to streamline your marketing campaigns. With features like real-time upload progress indicators, automatic segment creation, and dynamic data mapping, marketers can now manage large datasets with unprecedented efficiency and precision, ensuring optimal campaign performance and ROI. Dive into our blog to learn how these cutting-edge improvements can transform your marketing strategy and execution.


Our latest update to the Experiture platform includes significant enhancements to the data upload and integration process. Designed to streamline how users import, manage, and integrate data, these improvements ensure that marketers can efficiently utilize their datasets to drive campaign success.

Key Features

  • Advanced Upload Capabilities: The updated upload process is now equipped with a wizard-driven interface that guides users through each step, from file selection to final confirmation. This structured approach simplifies the complexity traditionally associated with data uploads.
  • Powerful Upload Progress Indicator: A standout feature is the robust upload progress indicator, displayed during the second to last step of the upload process. This indicator provides users with real-time feedback on the status of their data uploads, including detailed insights into any errors or issues, allowing for immediate correction and ensuring data integrity.
  • Increased Data Handling Efficiency: With the introduction of massive parallel processing, the platform can now handle very large datasets—up to tens of millions of records—without compromising performance. This capability is critical for enterprises that deal with substantial amounts of data and require robust scalability.
  • Dynamic Data Mapping: Users can dynamically map their data during the upload process, ensuring that the data conforms to their campaign structures and requirements. This feature includes automatic detection of column headers and the ability to adjust mappings as needed before finalizing the upload.
  • Enhanced Data Validation and Duplication Checks: The new process includes enhanced steps for data validation and duplication checks, which are crucial for maintaining data integrity. Users can easily review potential issues and make corrections on-the-fly, greatly reducing the time spent on data cleanup.
  • Automatic Segment Creation: Upon successful upload, the platform can automatically create segments from the uploaded targets. This feature significantly saves time and enhances workflow efficiency by allowing these segments to be immediately utilized in marketing programs or campaigns without any additional setup.
  • Seamless Integration with Existing Databases: Integration with existing CRM systems and databases has been optimized to ensure that data injection into the platform is smooth and error-free. This integration supports real-time data syncing, which is vital for campaigns that rely on the latest customer information.


The revamped data upload and integration process not only makes it easier for users to import and manage their data but also enhances the overall reliability and speed of data-driven campaign setups. By reducing the time and effort required to prepare and integrate data, the platform enables marketers to focus more on strategy and execution, ultimately leading to improved campaign performance and ROI.