Casino Marketing

Using Automated Multichannel Marketing to Respond to Player Lifecycle Events

Savvy marketers know that you can’t rely on a single channel to market your casino gaming offerings. These days, only a multichannel marketing effort will do, since players have a myriad of ads and promotions competing for their attention. But with so many players involved with your games 24/7/365, full-fledged marketing would be impossible without automating the process.

Casino Marketing

Lower Postage Costs and Boost Engagement with Players

Download our Player Engagement Solutions Case Study and learn how one casino boosts redemptions by 80% using Experiture   How Casinos Can Lower Postage Costs and Boost Engagement with Experiture There is a crisis in direct mail marketing today. Postage rates continue to surge – and so the cost using direct mail as the primary […]

Casino Marketing

Experiture Solutions for Hosts & Player Development

Casino hosts are critical to casinos:  They are often the only personal link that the casino has with its premium players.  Hosts help identify valuable players — and drive wagering and other activity — all while developing meaningful, personal relationships with each of the players.  At the same time, hosts are also expected to help retain existing high-value players by continuously engaging them with […]

Casino Marketing

How to Get More from Your Casino Loyalty Marketing with Online Player Portals

In today’s intensely competitive gaming market, the cost of player acquisition is high – and shows no signs of letting up. In this environment, it is certainly more profitable to hold onto existing players – rather than find new ones. Therefore, knowing how to sustain interest is as important as attracting it in the first […]

Casino Marketing

Experiture Announces New Marketing Solutions for Casino Marketing

New solutions for casino marketing feature unprecedented cross-channel marketing capabilities, including online Player Destinations. Today, we are proud to announce the release of our new customer experience marketing solutions for online gaming and casino operators.  These solutions for casino marketing empower users with multichannel marketing programs that are synchronized across web, email, mobile and social channels. In addition to […]