Casino Marketing

Experiture Solutions for Hosts & Player Development

Casino hosts are critical to casinos:  They are often the only personal link that the casino has with its premium players.  Hosts help identify valuable players — and drive wagering and other activity — all while developing meaningful, personal relationships with each of the players.  At the same time, hosts are also expected to help retain existing high-value players by continuously engaging them with […]

Knowledge Base Email

How to Boost Email Newsletter Engagement by 88% with Experiture

We get a 88% higher rate of increase for newsletter opens with this one weird trick….seriously. Rarely, if ever, is there “one weird trick” in marketing. In marketing, success is generally found only at the end of a long road paved by rigorous testing, endless optimization, and long lists of best practices. While this is […]


How to Use a Mobile App for Casino Marketing

In today’s intensely competitive gaming environment, it is more essential than ever to engage players across the channels they use every day.  That is why a growing number of properties are starting to leverage a mobile app for casino marketing. Using a Mobile App for Casino Marketing Mobile loyalty programs’ sign-up rates are 5 times […]

Marketing Automation

New Infographic: The Impact of Marketing Automation

Don’t know what to expect from your investment in marketing automation? Here’s a handy infographic on the impact of marketing automation that can help. So…you’ve decided to invest in marketing automation for the first time — or switch marketing automation providers.  Now, what should you expect?  What is impact of marketing automation on similar businesses?  How […]

Social Media Marketing

Measuring Social Media ROI with Experiture

In recent years, social media has skyrocketed in popularity, with 23 percent of Internet users spending all of their time on social networks and blogs. Social media has become one of the most effective marketing channels — and, according to the Content Marketing Institute, is a top channel used by marketers to distribute content. But although social […]

Casino Marketing

How to Get More from Your Casino Loyalty Marketing with Online Player Portals

In today’s intensely competitive gaming market, the cost of player acquisition is high – and shows no signs of letting up. In this environment, it is certainly more profitable to hold onto existing players – rather than find new ones. Therefore, knowing how to sustain interest is as important as attracting it in the first […]

Knowledge Base Email

The 3 Biggest Email Marketing Mistakes

In a world where marketers jam up email inboxes with relentless messaging, it is crucial to have your organization’s marketing stand out any way that it can.  However, many marketers unintentionally fall into common traps with email marketing – and so squander a valuable opportunity. According to research by the e-tailing group, the most successful […]

Finance Marketing

3 Campaigns Every Credit Union Should Have in 2015

In today’s intensely competitive market among depository institutions, what’s the best way to stand out? For many credit unions, it means creating targeted, personalized marketing programs that attract new members, deepen engagement with existing members, and create cross-sell opportunities that bolster member lifetime value. Experiture’s Engagement Marketing Platform can help deliver these types of marketing […]

Finance Marketing

How to Collect Email Addresses from Members for Your Credit Union

With a Return-on-Investment that reaches beyond 4300%, email marketing is the most effective form of digital marketing. Many Credit Unions, however, have few email addresses for their members – and so it is challenging to realize these advantages. But, it doesn’t have to be. To send e-mail, you first need to build a strong e-mail […]

Finance Marketing

Why Credit Unions Need to Automate Their Multichannel Marketing

Marketing automation is a powerful tool to assist a US credit union industry that faces numerous challenges. On the one hand, the percentage of the US population that is served by credit unions has increased from 33% of the total in 2007 to 43.7% of the population which is a figure equivalent to 100 million […]